Wires & Flow.

This project was all about wireframing, testing and more wireframing. The client's goal was to come up with a pain-free flow for enrolling in group life insurance. After a few rounds of user interviews and aforementioned wireframing/testing, we arrived at a solution that made our client feel confident to take the work forward.

I can't show every screen in the flow, but here is the final journey map I created and a few of the rough wireframes I made from various points in the flow.

Final user journey map.

The user creates a profile, then depending on their level of knowledge, they are taken through appropriate onboarding. From their hub, they can then sign up for their desired insurance coverage.

Final flow map. Just ‘cause it’s a boring flow for setting up insurance doesn’t mean it can’t look nice ;)

Rough wireframes within the journey.

Our interaction concept for a new user setting up their life insurance profile.
